Inclusion training builds capability and capacity

Two "BIASES" organisations have when it comes to how they approach diversity, equity, and inclusion:

Inclusion training builds capability and capacity

No, it doesn't - doing the work does.

Flip the model - instead of "learning to do", get your people to "do to learn" - THAT'S when the learning STICKS.

Also, this isn't about capability and capacity building. This is about turning down the volume on fear and increasing confidence. In my experience the number one thing that stops people from being more inclusive in their communication and behavior is fear.

"Doing to learn" increases confidence and diminishes the fear of "saying/doing the wrong thing". To achieve this what our people need is safe and nurturing spaces with EXPERT support to "do to learn". When they FIRST go from feeling fearful to confident, THAT'S when they can then develop capability and capacity.

Change policies and processes

Policies are only worth the paper they are written on. If your people don't know your organisational values there is a high probability that they don't even know your policies and processes.

The purpose of changing policies and processes is to drive, ignite and nurture and nudge change in human behavior.

Someone once said that to change human behavior we need to change the systems that govern it.

Do we know what behaviors need to be nurtured and nudged through changes in policies and procedures?

Problem identification and articulation are key to understanding what and how your policies and processes need to change.

Do this first before changing them. Take a targeted not generalist approach.

We don't have to be a generalist in our approach to inclusion or 'follow the pack' - if you want different results, take different actions....and that's exactly what I'm here for - to show you HOW.

To learn how to make D&I training effective and to discover other inclusion solutions that work, download the Discussion Paper – So you've done D&I training, now what?


Are your inclusion efforts at the top of your priority?


Will D&I training increase your capability and capacity for the work?